
date:2024-04-30 05:24:48 人气:69



Situstoto 是"There are one"还是"There is one"?
there is one. 不可以用there's one .并不是所以的IS都可以省去。在这里就不能省。你这里强调的是这里有一个。
There is ( )"u"and( )"s"in the word"use"?答案是a和an,但谁能告诉...
首先从句意分析,在这个单词‘use’中有什么‘u’和什么‘s’,根据逻辑分析是“一个”。再根据a,an的用法可以判断:前面是an后面是a a,an的用法:句子中a和an的用法:1.a用于辅音前,an用于元音前。a是用在辅音
There isn"t ___ water lefr in the cup?
选A any也可以 B项错在,water为不可数名词,many只能修饰可数名词 C项错在,few为否定词,前面已经否定 D项的话,改为there is ,倒也说得过去。同C,no已经是否定词了
He said,"Something is over there."如何变间接引语啊?there用变成here...
He said something was there.跟there 和here没关系,主要是带引号的句子中的谓语动词要根据主语的时态和人称相一致。
"How many students are there in your class?"一句中"are there"是...
There is ( )"u"and( )"s"in the word"use"?答案是a和an,但谁能告诉...
首先从句意分析,在这个单词‘use’中有什么‘u’和什么‘s’,根据逻辑分析是“一个”。再根据a,an的用法可以判断:前面是an后面是a a,an的用法:句子中a和an的用法:1.a用于辅音前,an用于元音前。a是用在辅音
"There are--"和"They are--" 各是什么意思,又有什么区别?
there are表示数量,一般后面加数量,they are 表示他们是,后面一般加名词宾语。
There is ___ "m" in the word "map".选择:A.a C.the D./.请问...
There is ___"m" in the word "map"选择an。句意:单词“map”里有一个字母m吗?是的,有。M为元音音素开头发音,故选B 冠词 点评:冠词是中学英语必须掌握的语言点。分为定冠词、不定冠词及零冠词。定冠词the表
"There is" some bread and two cups of tea" on the table"some bread...
there be句型讲究“就近一致”,跟它最近的就是some bread,而bread又是不可数名词,所以用is
there are some tomatoes.句子表示"有",但是为什么没有用have /ha_百 ...
there be 是''存在''的意思 即 存在的有。have是 归谁所有的有 。二者意思不一样。如,桌子上有一些西红柿。即桌子上 存在着一些西红柿,用there are。而 我有一些西红柿。则表示 这些西红柿归我所有。用have。


Nowadays, there has appeared a heated discussion among the college students as to whether they should live alone outside the campus or live together with other roommates in the students’ dormitory. Opinions are divided ove

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Nowadays, there has appeared a heated discussion among the college students as to whether they should live alone outside the campus or live together with other roommates in the students’ dormitory. Opinions are divided ove

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7. 现在进行时常用的时间状语有:now, nowadays, at the moment, these days等。 【知识梳理4】过去进行时1. 表示过去某时正在进行的动作。We were taking a walk when we met our maths teacher.2. 表示过去某个阶段暂时性习惯

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7. 现在进行时常用的时间状语有:now, nowadays, at the moment, these days等。 【知识梳理4】过去进行时1. 表示过去某时正在进行的动作。We were taking a walk when we met our maths teacher.2. 表示过去某个阶段暂时性习惯

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Nowadays, there are more and more __ _ in __ _. It is estimated that ___. Why have there been so many ___? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.最近,--部分在--整体里越来越多。 预计

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Nowadays, there are more and more __ _ in __ _. It is estimated that ___. Why have there been so many ___? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.最近,--部分在--整体里越来越多。 预计

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Nowadays, it has become a popular sporting activity in Southern China. International dragon boat races are held in Guangzhou and Hong Kong every year. The Duanwu Festival used to have other interesting customs that are no

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Nowadays, it has become a popular sporting activity in Southern China. International dragon boat races are held in Guangzhou and Hong Kong every year. The Duanwu Festival used to have other interesting customs that are no

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瓦伦蒂诺Valentinois和罗曼亚Romagna公爵(1476-1507),教皇亚历山大六世与瓦纳萨·德·卡特内Vanozza dei Catanei之子。他在父亲还是枢机卿时出生于罗马,1492年他父亲成为教皇时升上瓦伦西亚大主教之位,一年后成为枢机卿。西泽

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瓦伦蒂诺Valentinois和罗曼亚Romagna公爵(1476-1507),教皇亚历山大六世与瓦纳萨·德·卡特内Vanozza dei Catanei之子。他在父亲还是枢机卿时出生于罗马,1492年他父亲成为教皇时升上瓦伦西亚大主教之位,一年后成为枢机卿。西泽

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